Getting ready to be creative
I spent many years getting ready to be creative. For decades of my life, I let my creative soul play quietly in the corner. I knew she was there, and …
I spent many years getting ready to be creative. For decades of my life, I let my creative soul play quietly in the corner. I knew she was there, and …
Words are like reality stars. They have their 15 minutes of fame. As a lifelong logophile, I watch mindfully as words are pushed into and then out of favor. I …
Lately, I’ve been having a weird relationship with time. I don’t know if I’ve always had a weird relationship with time or if this is something new I can attribute …
“You are very creative,” my teachers, my friends, my extended family members used to say to me as a very young girl. It was one of my first official labels. …
I am a divider. Not on purpose, and not because I want to break people apart. It’s just the opposite. My sovereign purpose is to inspire undivided lives. In spite …
In the past week, I forged back out into the world. I saw people in person. I attended small gatherings. I left the cocoon of my home for extended periods. …
Why not create something right now? If you read that and felt confused, threatened, repulsed or afraid, OK. If you read it and felt challenged, excited, inspired or happy, OK. …
Stop using creativity as a last resort There’s a form of creativity that springs out of a world of infinite possibility, an endless expansive space of feasible. Then there’s another …
I’ve pursued it again and again in my life. Gone after it casually, aggressively, doggedly, quietly, loudly, half-assedly, and determinedly. I’ve set myself toward it joyfully, gleefully, numbly, passionately, begrudgingly, …
I am a white woman who grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and community. As a child, I often visited my grandparents in northeast Ohio and it was there …